
Welcome to First Evangelical Lutheran Church of Orange Grove, TX!  We consider our work together as the very Light of Jesus Christ to the larger Coastal Bend area of South Texas that we live and work in.  We are glad to be a part of God’s revelation in this place at this time!

We invite you to journey with us to learn more about the common work we do.  We are not perfect.  We have warts, issues, challenges and lead some pretty messy lives.  But we are moving towards and experiencing transformation in our lives through our relationship with Jesus and then with each other.  We may gather for corporate worship on Sunday morning, but our real worship takes place each day as we head out into our various worlds as we are the “hands and feet of Jesus”.

You don’t have to dress up and come in your finest.  You don’t have to be any special age.  You don’t have to be anything that you’re not.  You only need be yourself.  Bring your questions, doubts, struggles, fears, challenges, joy, love or whatever is in you and join us as we do life together as a community of Christ.  We may be broken, but we are set free from the tyranny of sin by the saving grace of the person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ to live new lives of service to the Kingdom and to each other.

No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.  Micah 6:8 (NLT)